Action weekend classes

(Next block starts in January)








Flips & Kicks Plus in proud cooperation with Jackie Chan’s Stunt Team offers your child a unique and fun experience for all growing movie in China. Weekend training full of gymnastics, martial arts and basic stunt training in a safe and fun environment. Classes are open from age 8-18 y/o divided into age groups and held at the amazing Jackie Chan’s Stunt Teams training centre in Tianjin.


31st of October to 28th of November


Saturday 09:00-14:30

Sunday 09:00-14:30


Jackie Chan’s Stunt Teams Training Centre in Tianjin (1h from Beijing)


Full price 7 200 RMB/Block

Cooperation partner price 6 840


Departure: ISB Shunyi 07:45 Arrival: 8:45 JCST Training Centre

Departure JCST Training Centre: 15:00 Arrival: ISB Shunyi 16:00


Bring your own lunch and snack. Flips & Kicks Plus supply a fruit per day and water.

Stay over

Why not stay over in Tianjin during the weekend? Enjoy the fantastic surroundings in Tianjin. For more info please contact.









Additional information

Additional information about Flips & Kicks Plus Previus Camps

Summer Camp 2013

Summer Camp 2015

Meet the coach